Rabindranath Ghosh is the Best Numerologist in West Bengal
There is a Universal Consciousness also known as Chaitanya. This Chaitanya stands for the tremendous energy which pervades the Universe. We cannot see this force but can feel its presence. If by any technique we can tune our mind to this Cosmic Energy or Chaitanya, we can not only absorb some of it, but also enjoy its existence around us. There are people who are gifted or have developed certain powers such as telepathy, clairvoyance etc. because they have the capacity to absorb this cosmic Energy to some extent. We have heard of the spiritual healers in Philippines. They have mastered the technique of absorbing this Universal Consciousness. With the help of this energy, they can cure even the incurable diseases. In support of the Theory on Cosmic Energy and God force, it would like to mention that we cannot rule out the idea that in bygone years the secrets were revealed to man on his closer connection with the Universal Consciousness.
The Universe exists in the above Cosmic Energy which has powerful radiations. In addition to this cosmic energy, there are innumerable energies which have radiations and waves (spandana). The vibrational force emitted by any one energy has an effect on the radiations of another energy. It is Surprising that this Vibrational force (Chaitanya) exists not only in animated things. but also in inanimate objects. Even in our house.
If we believe that there is a moment for birth and moment for death, then as a logical sequence, We believe that there is a moment for each and every event in life – from birth to death. This is why ancient scholars ascribed every human being with his number in the Universe. Moreover they believed that numbers have personalities, character and even Sex.
The study of Numerology is as old as history. Various systems of this study have evolved in different countries from times immemorial. Even though the study has a long history, it is still a matter of prolonged any bitter controversy whether it has scientific basis. It is prove that Numerology is a natural science based on experience.
Apart from the question of mystical associations, the numbers themselves have a very ancient origin. We shall however, never know the genius who actually invented the numbers. According to Professor Max Muller, numbers were first invented by Arabs. But it seems they had borrowed this knowledge from the Hindus, who in turn, believe to have acquired it from God. Without a doubt, the subject of Numerology had interested the most profound thinkers of bygone days.
Utility of the study of Numerology:- By our study of numbers we are able to find out the laws of nature that affect our lives, we shall be more happy, healthy, and successful in our endeavors, our life will be harmony and move with such laws. If we can increase the power of our number by constantly repeating it and making use of that number in each and every action, we can absorb the Cosmic Energy and benefit by that energy, it will add our Personality.
Numerology at your Service: – People have often come to me to suggest them a Suitable name before they start an Industry or print their letter heads. Along with the study of numerology. Lucky colors and Lucky stones are also recommended.