Rabindranath Ghosh is the Best Vastu Shastra consultant in West Bengal
Vastu is an Art, Vastu Vidya is one of the most valuable treasures of ancient Indian knowledge. The word VASTU means to dwel and Vidya means Science, so Vastu Vidya is the sacred science related to designing and building houses. The classical litrrature on Vastu is vast and scattered. Vishwakarma Vastu Shastra, Mandana Sutradhar, Samarangana Sutradhar, Mayamatam, Brihat Samhita, several of the purans and Agamic work deal with the subject in great details,
Vastu principles if carefully followed, bring not only just prosperity into the household but also love and peace Vastu Shastra is directed at harmonizing external space with the interanal space within man. Vastu aims to restore the balance between the home that is the microcosm and the cosmos that is the macro cocosm, bringing the health, wealth and happiness. According to Vastu, the external and internal are interchangeable, because the underlying energies that govern the elements, such as wind or fire are the same as those that control the organs of the human body. Vastu states that when building and forms echo the underlying cosmic principles, they become a part of the basic structure of the universe and vibrate the harmony with it.
Vastu contains the hidden key to realigning the home with cosmic principles such as solar energy, the movement of the celestial spheres, the magnetic field of earth, gravity and the influence of the moon and sun.it offers a holistic approach to the design and layout of houses. Although the art of Vastu is ancient, as it was thousands of years ago.it has universal application.
Vastu Shastra advice should be solicited while selecting a plot or house, while building a house or while carrying out any renovations additional construction, expansion, restructuring of the houses shop or office. Vastu corrections can be helpful if you are facing problem like low sale, low profits, dispuites, accidents in your office, factory or shop or when you are facing problem like ill health or disturbance of family peace in your house.